Friday, July 5, 2013

Our journey into parenthood and running a business

Hello there! It's been a while since my last post and I know our fan page has been getting pretty quite! Facebooks new changes sure don't help. Anyhow, how are you!? 

Michael will be turning eight months old in a very short period of time. Can you believe it? I certainly can't! Parenthood has been all I dreamed of and more. I tried to go into it without expectations. I didn't want to be let down or disappointed if things were way different. Should have gone into "labor" that way.

Michael has been great! He doesn't sleep through the night and went through a phase where he acted like an addicted "moo juice" baby in the middle of the night if he wasn't latched on to me. Funny in hindsight. I had no intentions of co sleeping with him. It always terrified me and my parents didn't do it with me. It just works for us! We tried a period of getting him to sleep and putting him in his own bed but I spent most of the night rocking him to sleep. No bueno. I became a grouch in no time. We're back to co sleeping and I feel much better!

Another thing I turned my nose up at (if nothing else I'm learning to rethink my own opinion!) was cloth diapering. Who would have time for that on top of everything else? Plus, gross! Well, after shelling out too much on diapers in the first two months of his life I realized cloth was where its at. Much cheaper, no long life spent in some landfill, better for little ones skin, and oh so much cuter! Plus I could sew them myself. That I didn't have time for! I've made him 8 total, 5 that are useable, and purchased the others from a wonderful woman on Craigslist. We are very happy to be saving that money! I've even ventured into cloth wipes. The trash bag for disposable wipes got on my last nerve. Now everything goes in the diaper pail and gets washed. I'm a happy momma!

Unfortunately business has been slow and for that I apologize. I have cut my work time back to when Michael sleeps which doesn't leave me much time most days. We are still on top of orders but that also means orders have cut way back. Hubby has come to the rescue and picked up a part time job which is helping to supplement. Some day soon I hope to get cracking on my wish list and run a weekly ready to ship sale. It's a nice dream. Any requests!?

I'm going to be starting some new adventures in making our own cleaning supplies, shampoos, lotions, etc. so keep an eye out for those! I've also been doing some freezer crockpot meals so I'd also like to do a post on that as well.

Much love, hope you all are well!

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