Monday, June 18, 2012

Guess Jellybeans Gender Giveaway

I am so excited to be only 2 weeks from our next ultrasound! The BIG one. I know my husband is tired of the babies name being "it". This pregnancy has already been such an incredible blessing for us. We have had no problems so far and are feeling good. This ultrasound will be so amazing for us after the long years of trying.

As soon as we found out we were expecting back in March I knew I wanted to do a fun giveaway for when we find out the babies gender. You guys mean so much to us so we want you to be included in such a fun day ( hopefully this kid isn't bashful! ) I have yet to pick out the prize. I KNOW! Thats awful lol! I wanted to do a boy hat if its a boy and a girl hat if its a girl. BUT we don't want people to make guesses based off of the item they hope to win. Hence the reason I haven't decided. Seriously, who enters a giveaway if the prize isn't decided?

- Prize updated below-

I promise, entry into this giveaway aren't crazy like some of the others. You don't have to like 20 different pages or bend over backwards. 

- I hate that!-

I will post a couple of pictures below in case you need reference for guessing and if you feel you need more info to make your guess don't be afraid to ask and I will add that info HERE:



I will give the winner a Newborn/0-3 month beanie valued at $25! YOU get to pick the cuteness that will be created for you! If you prefer a large size the $25 credit can be put towards that. The same applies if you'd prefer something else entirely. Like booties!

                                                      For reference this was taken a week before I got pregnant.
                                                     This was just taken Thursday. I was 1 day shy of 20 weeks

Here is Jellybeans ultrasound at 11 weeks. Heartbeat was a good 160 BPM.

If it is important for anyones decision making I have been feeling kicks since about 14 weeks .



Please leave your guess ALONG with your first and last name in a comment below. On July 3rd we will pick the winner from the correct guesses. If for some reason we are not able to find out the gender we will pick a winner from all of the comments we receive.

I will post an update about the prize once I make my decision along with any other information we get requests for.



  1. Congrats!!! I think you are having a boy!!! :D

    Krista Boutilier

  2. Congrats!!! BOY!!!! :)


  3. Congratulations again!!! I think she's a GIRL!!!

    Amanda Scacchi

  4. Hmmm if its true that you carry a certain way based on gender then your carrying just like me and mines a boy..So I'm going with Boy!
    Nicole Wright

  5. Girl!! :)
    BTW, I would love to do her newborn pics if you are still deciding who to go with. You wont offend me though if you'd like to use someone else. Just letting you know I'm available to drive to you or you to me, whatever you prefer. Enjoy the 2nd half of pregnancy. Can't believe how fast its flying by.

    Christina McKeeby

  6. Adrienne Liska - Boy

    Abby Cobb - Girl

  7. Well i am going to have to go with a GIRL!

    -Wendy Anderson

  8. Christina,
    I am going to go with my "gut" feeling based on your belly photo and say that Jellybean is a little............. BOY!!

    I have been following your blog for months now and I am thrilled for you and your husband!

    Pam Pollock

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Congrats, so excited for you guys!!! I think you little jelly bean is a GIRL!!!!
    Laura prince

  11. Congrats! I think Girl

    Amber Simpson

  12. Congratulations to both of you! I think it's a BOY!

    Nadia P

  13. Crista DeGregorio
    I'm guessing a GIRL:)
