Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Gender Reveal Winner

And the winner of our Guess Jellybeans Gender Contest is....

Amanda Cobb

Congratulations, Amanda!! We chose a winner out of those who guessed BOY. He is certainly a boy! He is healthy, growing, and very active!

- I'm sorry we don't have an ultrasound picture! We had an issue with our USB so we have to go back and have them saved again. Then I will happily share my cute kid -

It was such a pleasure including you all in this. He will certainly help me create more boy goodies which I know we are lacking in. We are very excited!

Amanda, if you would like to email me we can work out the details of your $25 credit.



  1. Congratulations Amanda! And Congrats to Christina & Dale for a perfect healthy BOY!

  2. Congratulations Christina and Dale!
    And congrats to Amanda for winning!
